Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I never miss a day without coffee. One or two glass a day, very nice and helps me enjoying my time, alone, with family or friends. Mostly a glass of coffee accompanied with with cigarette, and I know it's bad for health I've been quite friendly with this pair for two years since I began to work. But again, I didn't always have coffee with cigarette, coffee itself is already enough to turn my mood.

A good friend to relax to enjoy yourself or when you're in workplace just to have a break during worktime. Though I like coffee I've never been fancied having many kinds of taste of coffees. I have two small bags of robusta and torajan coffee from excelso but mostly I just having nescafe daily.

To make a nice coffee fro myself I usually just put one full teaspoon of coffee, half teaspoon of sugar, two teaspoons of chocolate powder and then pour it with hot water just about three quarter of a mug, mix it. Lastly to fill the quarter left I just pour liquid full cream milk, mix it again, and here it is, a nice mug of coffee in the morning I usually have.

Well, it's not too fancy but it's nice ;) Surely it would be better with cinnamon, but next time I might try adding it.

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