Saturday, September 15, 2012

Memulai kembali

Oke, setelah sekian lama jatuh bangun dalam hidup, menjalani hidup yang penuh drama (terkesan seperti ABG yang lagi galau ya =D) akhirnya saya mendeklarasikan memutuskan untuk memulai kembali pekerjaan yang dulu ibu dan orang-orang di sekitar saya anggap tidak berguna. Well, hidup memang penuh warna, kadang naik kadang turun, kadang semangat kadang putus asa, kadang senang kadang sedih. Ya semua memang datang dengan satu paket :).

So, setelah diambang menyerah dan keputus-asaan di akhir tahun lalu karena kegagalan yang saya alami setelah berusaha keras menjadi mapan dan keluarga, setelah hampir setahun berlalu, saya memutuskan untuk kembali untuk perlahan menapaki kembali dunia entrepreneurship. Namun beruntung bagi saya dalam jeda waktu beberapa bulan kemarin saya mendapat pekerjaan yang cukup layak, hingga saat ini, di AirAsia Indonesia.

GOP - Customer Exp Basic Training Batch #3

Ya, seperti memulai dari nol lagi, memulai dari bawah. Sempat juga mengalami depresi karena harus memulai lagi, tapi berkat dukungan dan motivasi keluarga, saya maju terus dan berjalan lagi. Satu hal yang harus saya syukuri hingga saat ini ternyata saya mendapat pekerjaan dengan salary dan benefit yang bagus. Memang posisi yang saya tempati di bidang  customer service atau dengan istilah Guest Service Assistant (GSA) berada di level bawah namun dengan benefit yang di dapat semua menjadi luar biasa. Jauh di atas karyawan kantoran, bahkan setara level supervisor atau manajer di bidang usaha lain, walaupun begitu tiap bidang usaha memiliki plus minusnya sendiri.

Aktifitas kerja bisa dibilang cukup berat dengan shift yang cukup gila, paling pagi jam 03:15 dan paling sore jam 14:45 dengan 10 jam kerja (bahkan lebih) dan 4 hari kerja 2 hari libur, tanpa kenal weekend dan hari libur nasional. Kemampuan berkomunikasi menjadi skill utama di sini, dan skill lain yang juga penting adalah mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik. Penampilan atau grooming juga vital, attitude yang baik dan sikap yang proaktif. Menjaga stamina juga sangat penting, karena banyak melibatkan aktifitas fisik dan jam kerja yang panjang.

Tahun ini saya berada di Denpasar, Bali, bekerja di Bandara Udara Ngurah Rai di bawah naungan PT. Indonesia Air Asia, dan bulan depan insyaAllah dijadwalkan  untuk training lagi di AirAsia Academy di Kuala Lumpur. Mari tetap optimis untuk terus maju ke depan dengan berusaha sebaik mungkin, fokus untuk menjadi lebih baik :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

MSG UC 0153 Victory

Still, waiting for my first day to work, in my idle time I started to look on another series of Gundam metaverse and I thought I would watch Mobile Suit Victory Gundam. I read the reviews and it has been noted by several people as the best and the last anime in UC timeline as it sets on UC 0153, 60 years after Char's Counter Attack or 57 years after Laplace Conflict on MS Unicorn Gundam.

As the matter of fact it is also the darkest series in UC timeline, deeper than previous Z Gundam. Miserable death scenes often shown in both protagonist or antagonist characters as most of the main characters died horribly in the war, leaving few survived.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I never miss a day without coffee. One or two glass a day, very nice and helps me enjoying my time, alone, with family or friends. Mostly a glass of coffee accompanied with with cigarette, and I know it's bad for health I've been quite friendly with this pair for two years since I began to work. But again, I didn't always have coffee with cigarette, coffee itself is already enough to turn my mood.

A good friend to relax to enjoy yourself or when you're in workplace just to have a break during worktime. Though I like coffee I've never been fancied having many kinds of taste of coffees. I have two small bags of robusta and torajan coffee from excelso but mostly I just having nescafe daily.

Keroro Gunsou de arimasu!

So on the time I spent for almost two months I was poking around the web and suddenly set my eyes on Sunrise's comedy anime, Keroro Gunsou or Sgt. Frog. Bored to watch Gundam series and found this green guy and his platoon talking about invasion while they're just making stupid things and messing around lol.

So Nyeo Shi Dae lol

Haha I never thought that I would fall in love with Korean songs. So few days ago I was watching Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy and I found one clip composed with dead fantasy girls singing SNSD's Gee.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


About two years ago my friend was sharing her youtube post about Depapepe clip playing Johan Pachelbel's Canon in D. I was quite astonished with the song and how extraordinary the duo played and improvising with guitars. On that time I was still addicted on anime OST's and Trance music. So I just keep it on my playlist sometimes listening it for a while.

OST Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn

I never lost my interest on Anime's OST especially when it comes with nice instrumental touch. Aftering hearing the second album, Gundam UC OST 2, I like Ego and Remind You vocalised by Mika Kobayashi. As for the instrumental the most engaging would be MAD-NUG and Mobile Suit Mix, really marvelous.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Piano & Programming:HIROYUKI SAWANO | 钢琴&后期:泽野 弘之
Guitars:HIROSHI IIMURO | 吉他:饭室 ひろし
Strings:DAISENSEI MUROYA strings | 弦乐:大先生 室屋
Lyrics:mpi | 作词:mpi
Music:HIROYUKI SAWANO | 音乐:泽野 弘之
Vocal:MIKA KOBAYASHI | 演唱:小林 未郁


Piano & Programming:HIROYUKI SAWANO | 钢琴&后期:泽野弘之
Drums:YU“masshoi”YAMAUCHI | 鼓手:YU “マッショイ”YAMAUCHI
Bass:TOSHINO TANABE | 贝斯:田边としの
Guitars:KAZUYA TAKAYAMA | 吉他:たかやま かずや
Lyrics:mpi | 作词:mpi
Music:HIROYUKI SAWANO | 作曲:泽野弘之
Vocal:MIKA KOBAYASHI | 演唱:小林未郁

Sunday, February 5, 2012

No job?

Seriously being unemployed for over a month is extremely frustrating. I've sent so many job applications and interview quite a few all of them looks promising at first. But then after these 2-3 weeks everything is like turning out to be somekind of jokes.

Again and again

Well, I've decided to quit my previous job and left Tarakan for good. It's without any reason. Just at the beginning of December suddenly there's problem arousing around my parents. My step mother got provoked and got jealous because of someone had forwarded text messages from my mother about my father whom he/she introduced his/herself as my mother's friend.